Japanese version is here |
@What's MELON? |
Number of Members |
Total |
827 |
Corporations |
94 |
Organizations |
12 |
Individuals |
721 |
i16/May/2012) |
The Miyagi Environmental Life Out-reach Network (MELON) in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, was initiated by five Cooperatives in June 1993, following the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. The MELON, consisting of citizens, scientists, academics, cooperatives, companies and organizations, aims at contributing to conservation of the local and global environments by improving harmony between the environment and peoples' lives through nature, green, water and foods.
The MELON has three main sections for its various activities |
1. |
The Miyagi Center for Climate Change Actions conducts studies and holds events for research activities or symposiums and seminars, such as workshops toward the prevention of global warming; |
2. |
The Information Center manages their website and issues newsletters; and |
3. |
The Sectional Meeting/Project holds various lectures and events for citizens,
and conducts projects for waste reduction in stadiums in cooperation with
professional sports: |
Objectives |
1. |
Research, Study, Advocacy on Global and Local Environment and People's Life. |
2. |
Promotion of Education, Culture, Enlightment on Global and Local
Environment. |
3. |
Planning and Executing Activities to conserve Global and Local
Environment |
2012@Rio+20@Project |
uMassage@from the area decastated by the 3.11 TSUNAMIv
The Great East Japan Earthquake was the greatest earthquake that we have
experienced in our lifetime. It is a long and arduous process to bring
the area to full recovery, but we keep moving... forward. We the people
of the Pacific side of Tohoku strive together to revive and preserve what
we have cherished in the area and realize necessary improvements in the
environment to make ourselves feel even more proud of this region.
¦This leaflet was an English version selected and extracted from the original Japanese version which was edited by the Environmental Partnership Office Tohoku, EPO Tohoku. The EPO Tohoku was managed by an Environmental NGO, Miyagi Environmental Life Out-reach Network, MELON in collaboration with the Regional Environment Office of Tohoku area, Ministry of Environment.

Click to Download |
@Sections |
‘Information Center
Providing information on environment and our activities through our website or e-mail newsletters. |
‘Miyagi Center for Climate Change Actions  check!
MELON was designated as Miyagi Center for Climate Change Actions by the
Governor of Miyagi. |
‘Sectional meeting on "Food"
Study on the actual conditions and Policy about "Food & Environment
& Agriculture",Field work, exchange with farmers and consumers.
, |
‘Sectional meeting on "Water"
Activities to live closely to water spot (river, lake and pond.), investigation on water quality and more. |
‘Meeting for planning seminar on Enterprises
Planning and executing of seminar about case study of enterprise's action on environmental problem. |
‘Division of Corporate Exchange
Exchanging information between corporations working on environmental concerns and providing it to the public.
‘Natural Energy Dissemination Project
Exploring the possibilities to introduce natural energy in Miyagi and holding
open study sessions in an effort of dissemination. |
Holding monthly seminars and delivery lectures under the theme of "stylish and easy eco-activities". |
‘Eco-city Sendai Produce Project
Creating a system for reduction of garbage in cooperation with professional sports teams in Sendai, the government and volunteer groups. |
‘Miyagi Satoyama* Supporting Group
Conducting satoyama experience and biotic research toward revitalization of forests and conservation of satoyama.
*satoyama:maneged woodlands or grasslands near human settlements |
 Miyagi Environmental Life Out-reach Network   |

@@5F,Forest-Sendai, 1-2-45,Kashiwagi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, JAPAN
@@Tel +81-22-276-5118@Fax +81-22-219-5713
Information Center:

@@Tel+81-22-301-9146@Fax +81-22-219-5710
Miyagi Center for Climate Change Actions:

@@Tel +81-22-301-9145@Fax +81-22-219-5710
Website: http://www.melon.or.jp/melon/
E-mail: melon@miyagi.jpn.org |
Japanese version is here @ Back |